
Entity Definition

Logical Name : CustomerAccountType
Physical Name : CO_CT_ACNT_TYP

A category of CustomerAccount used to establish different kinds of balances and accumulator summaries. ARTS explicity includes the following kinds of CustomerAccounts: CustomerRevolvingChargeAccount CustomerTradeAccount CustomerLayawayAccount CustomerInstallmentPaymentAccount CustomerBackOrderAccount CustomerRewardAccount CustomerServiceWorkOrderAccount CustomerRentalAccount CustomerDonationAccount CustomerConsignmentAccount Retailers may define other varieties of customer accounts to meet their specific requirements.

Data Definition

Attribute Description Physical Name Domain Data Type Foreign Key Table
CustomerAccountTypeCode (PK) Determines what kind of customer account this is. Examples include a trade account, a school account, a not-for-profit, regular customer, etc. LOYALTY - customer loyalty account for tracking points earned/redeemed REBATE -Customer reward account that pays customers based on cumulative net purchases over a deisgnated period of time TRADE - customer business credit account CONSUMER_CHG - customer individual consumer credit extended by retailer INSTALLMENT - credit account set up for one time purchase LAYAWAY - cash time payment account (not credit) RENTAL - customer rental for videos, equipment WORKORDER - account for handling services like installation and set up BACKORDER - account for handling backorder deposit and adjustments. TY_CTAC Code varchar(20)
CustomerAccountTypeDescription Short business description of the CustomerAccountType. DE_CT_ACNT_TYP DescriptionShort varchar(255)
CustomerIdentityRequiredFlag Flag that if set to true requires the customer to provide proof of his/her identity to verify that he/she may use the CUSTOMER ACCOUNT. FL_IDN_CT_RQ Flag integer
CustomerIdentityTypeCode Determines the type of customer identification proof required. Examples include drivers license, store charge card, trade association identification card, etc. TY_IDN_CT Code2 char(2)


Parent Entity Verb Phrase Child Entity
CustomerAccountType governs CustomerLedgerReportingClassification
CustomerAccountType classifies CustomerAccount

Logical Views containing CustomerAccountType

Logical View
Logical 07010 - Customer Account Information Extended